Tianle GU 🕊️
Tianle GU

PhD Candidate

I am a PhD candidate specializing in electrohydrodynamics and two-phase flow. My research focuses on capturing and analyzing bubble growth and detachment behavior under AC electric fields. Key areas of expertise include Bubble Dynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Electronics Cooling, Microgravity, Mechanical Design, and Image Analysis.

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  1. Part-Time Lecturer (Vacataire)

    ENSE3 - Grenoble INP

    Responsibilities include:

    • Led tutorial sessions (TD) for the ‘Heat and Mass Transfer’ and ‘Thermodynamics’ courses, focusing on theoretical concepts and problem-solving
    • Conducted laboratory sessions (TP) for the ‘Heat and Mass Transfer’ course, guiding students through practical experiments and data analysis
  2. Thermal Engineer (Intership)

    Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe

    Responsibilities include:

    • Designed, fabricated, and calibrated a high-accuracy transient calorimeteric system for the loss measurement of integrated power converters
    • Conducted efficiency measurements of the power converter under varying operational conditions and delivered detailed reports to support system performance enhancements
  3. Mathematics Teacher

    TAL Education Group, Xi'an High School

    Responsibilities include:

    • Taught set theory, function, calculus, analytical geometry, and probability
    • Conducted research on innovative teaching methodologies
    • Designed and implemented training programs for mathematics teachers
    • Provided mentorship and guidance to improve instructional techniques


  1. PhD Fluid Mechanics

    Grenoble INP
    Investigated AC Electrohydrodynamics and Bubble Dynamics under normal and microgravity conditions for my thesis, supervised by Prof. Samuel Siedel (https://simap.grenoble-inp.fr/fr/equipes/m-siedel-samuel). The research provides insights into fluid behavior for advanced heat transfer applications.
  2. MSc Fluid Mechanics and Energetics

    Grenoble INP

    GPA: 15.66/20

    Courses included:

    • Advanced Numerical Simulations
    • Hydraulic Machines and Hydroelectricity
    • Energies for ecodistrics
    • Microgrids, Smartgrids, and Supergrids
  3. MSc Energy Engineering and Management

    Instituto Superior Técnico

    GPA: 17/20

    Courses included:

    • Offshore Wind Energy
    • Data Analytics for Smart Grids
    • Power Electronics for Renewable Energy
    • Renewable Sources and Distributed Power Generation
  4. BSc Nuclear Engineering

    Xi'an Jiaotong University

    GPA: 77.54/100

    Courses included:

    • Fundamentals: Mathematics, Physics, Mechanical Design, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Electronics, Automatic Control
    • Physical Analysis of Nuclear Reactors
    • Thermohydraulics Analysis of Nuclear Reactors
    • Calculation Methods for Thermohydraulics Safety Analysis of Nuclear Reactors
Skills & Hobbies
Technical Skills
Toward a Complete Understanding of Quasi-Static Bubble Growth and Departure
PNAS ∙ February 2024
The fundamental mechanism governing the quasi-static bubble growth and detachment holds significant relevance across a broad spectrum of engineering scenarios including the nuclear, chemical, and food industries, etc. This study introduces an approach for comprehending the bubble’s shapes through the resolution of capillary equations. A bubble map is generated, offering insights into predicting the bubble’s shape considering the fluid properties, cavity dimensions, and bubble sizes. The lifespan of a quasi-static bubble can be effectively traced using the bubble map. Additionally, by linking dynamic contact angles and wetting hysteresis to bubble growth, this novel approach not only enhances our comprehension of bubble behavior but also sheds light on phenomena such as mode changes in bubble motion and premature detachment.